CUPON’s Mission

  • Ensure that local officials and their Land Use boards safeguard the health and safety of our citizens and first responders
  • Protect the character of our neighborhoods
  • Oppose land-use variances that adversely affect our diverse communities
  • Ensure that local, county, state, and federal laws are followed
  • Work with appropriate authorities to prevent and prosecute illegal housing and related activities

We are an all-volunteer non-profit community-based organization that was formed to orchestrate awareness of changes that adversely affect the character of our diverse Community. We are concerned about the up-zoning and safety violations that endanger residents and first responders.

To accomplish our mission, we interface with County governments, local firehouses, and municipalities to identify proposed overdevelopment and illegal housing. We seek legal and consultant services to advise, prepare and pursue remedies, whenever a governing body’s actions are not in the best interests of all our residents.

We created this organization fully aware that it would be difficult to achieve the stated goals. At stake are our ways of life, our property values, community characteristics, and the safety of families and first responders. We are hopeful that over time, our actions will lead the towns, counties, villages, and hamlets to ensure that all land-use decisions and code enforcement actions fully follow the law and are applied evenly, leading to clear expectations by all, and resulting in a more harmonious community.

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